Include large files in multimodal requests and manage files using Cloud Storage for Firebase

When calling the Gemini API from your app using a Vertex AI in Firebase SDK, you can prompt the Gemini model to generate text based on a multimodal input. Multimodal prompts can include multiple modalities (or types of input), like text along with images, PDFs, video, and audio.

For the non-text parts of the input (like media files), you can optionally use Cloud Storage for Firebase to include files in the request. At a high-level, here's what you need to know about this feature:

  • You can use Cloud Storage for Firebase with any multimodal request (like both text generation and chat). The examples in this guide show a basic text-and-image input.

  • You specify the file's MIME type and its Cloud Storage for Firebase URL (which always begin with gs://) in the request input. These values are metadata automatically assigned to any file uploaded to a Cloud Storage bucket.

  • You need to use a supported file type and URL.

This solution guide describes how to set up Cloud Storage for Firebase, upload a file to a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket from your app, and then include the file's MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase URL in your multimodal request to the Gemini API.

Do you want to see the code examples? Or have you already set up Cloud Storage for Firebase and you're ready to start using it with your multimodal requests?

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Why use Cloud Storage for Firebase with your app?

Cloud Storage for Firebase uses the same fast, secure, and scalable infrastructure as Google Cloud Storage to store blobs and files, and its client SDKs are specifically built for mobile and web apps.

For Vertex AI in Firebase SDKs, the maximum request size is 20 MB. You get an HTTP 413 error if a request is too large. If a file's size will make the total request size exceed 20 MB, then use a Cloud Storage for Firebase URL to include the file in your multimodal request. However, if a file is small, you can often pass it directly as inline data (note though, that a file provided as inline data is encoded to base64 in transit, which increases the size of the request).

Here are some additional benefits of using Cloud Storage for Firebase:

  • You can have end users upload images directly from your app into a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket, and then you can include those images in your multimodal prompts just by specifying the file's MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase URL (which is an identifier for the file).

  • You can save your end users time and bandwidth if they need to provide images, especially if they have poor or flaky network quality.

    • If a file upload or download gets interrupted, the Cloud Storage for Firebase SDKs automatically restart the operation right where it left off.
    • The same uploaded file can be used multiple times without the end user having to upload the same file each time its needed in your app (like in a new multimodal request).
  • You can restrict end user access to files stored in Cloud Storage for Firebase by using Firebase Security Rules, which allow only an authorized user to upload, download, or delete files.

  • You can access the files in your bucket from Firebase or from Google Cloud, giving you the flexibility to do server-side processing such as image filtering or video transcoding using the Google Cloud Storage APIs.

What types of files and URLs are supported?

Here are the requirements for files and URLs when you want to use Cloud Storage for Firebase URLs with the Vertex AI in Firebase SDKs:

  • The file must meet the requirements of input files for multimodal requests when using the Vertex AI in Firebase SDKs. This includes requirements like MIME type and file size.

  • The file must be stored in a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket (which means the bucket is accessible to Firebase services, like Firebase Security Rules). If you can view your bucket in the Firebase console, then it's a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket.

  • The Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket must be in the same Firebase project in which you registered your app.

  • The file's Cloud Storage for Firebase URL must begin with gs://, which is the way that all Google Cloud Storage URLs are constructed.

  • The file's URL cannot be a "browser" URL (for example, the URL of an image that you find on the internet).

Also, the Firebase Security Rules for your bucket must allow appropriate access to the file. For example:

  • If you have public rules, then any user or client can access the file and provide its URL in a call using a Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. These types of rules should only be used to get started and during early prototyping (unless the files are actually meant to be wholly publicly accessible files).

  • If you have robust rules (strongly recommended), then Firebase will check that the signed in user or client has sufficient access to the file before allowing the call to go through with the provided URL.

Use Cloud Storage for Firebase URLs with Vertex AI in Firebase

Step 1: Set up Cloud Storage for Firebase

You can find detailed instructions for setting up and using Cloud Storage for Firebase in its getting started guide.

Go to Cloud Storage for Firebase getting started guide

Here are the high-level tasks that you'll need to do:

  1. Create a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket in your Firebase project.

    If you already have a Cloud Storage bucket in your Google Cloud project that you want to use with Vertex AI in Firebase, then you can make it accessible to Firebase services (including Vertex AI in Firebase) by "importing" the bucket into Firebase.

  2. Apply Firebase Security Rules to this bucket. Firebase Security Rules help you secure your files by restricting access to authorized end users.

  3. Add the client library for Cloud Storage for Firebase to your app.

    Note that you can skip this task, but you must then always explicitly include the MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase URL values in your multimodal requests.

Step 2: Upload a file to a bucket

In the Cloud Storage for Firebase documentation, you can learn all the different ways to upload files to a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket. For example, you can upload local files from the end-user's device, such as photos and videos from the camera.

When you upload a file to a bucket, Cloud Storage automatically applies the following two pieces of information to the file. You'll need to include these values in the multimodal request (as shown in the next step of this guide).

  • MIME type: This is the media type of the file (for example, image/png). Cloud Storage for Firebase will automatically try to detect the MIME type during upload and apply that metadata to the object in the bucket. However, you can optionally specify the MIME type during upload.

  • Cloud Storage for Firebase URL: This is a unique identifier for the file. The URL must start with gs://.

Step 3: Include the file's MIME type and URL in a multimodal request

Once you have a file stored in a Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket, you can include its MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase URL in a multimodal request. Note that these examples show a non-streaming generateContent request, but you can also use Cloud Storage for Firebase URLs with streaming and chat.

To include the file in the request, you can use either of the following options:

Option 1: Include the MIME type and URL using a Storage reference

Use this option if you've just uploaded the file to the bucket, and you want to immediately include the file (via a Storage reference) in the multimodal request. The call requires both the MIME type and the Cloud Storage for Firebase URL.

// Upload an image file using Cloud Storage for Firebase.
final storageRef = FirebaseStorage.instance.ref();
final imageRef = storageRef.child("images/image.jpg");
await imageRef.putData(data);

// Get the MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase file path.
final metadata = await imageRef.getMetadata();
final mimeType = metadata.contentType;
final bucket = imageRef.bucket;
final fullPath = imageRef.fullPath;

final prompt = TextPart("What's in the picture?");
// Construct a URL in the required format.
final storageUrl = 'gs://$bucket/$fullPath';
// Construct the filePart with the MIME type and the URL.
final filePart = FileData(mimeType, storageUrl);
// To generate text output, call generateContent with the text and the filePart.
final response = await model.generateContent([
  Content.multi([prompt, filePart])

Option 2: Include the MIME type and URL explicitly

Use this option if you know the values for the MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase URL, and you want to include them explicitly in the multimodal request. The call requires both the MIME type and the URL.

final prompt = TextPart("What's in the picture?");
// Construct a filePart that explicitly includes the MIME type and Cloud Storage for Firebase URL values.
final filePart = FileData('image/jpeg', 'gs://bucket-name/path/image.jpg'),
// To generate text output, call generateContent with the prompt and filePart.
final response = await model.generateContent([
  Content.multi([prompt, filePart])