Tutorial: Test adoption of new AdMob ad formats

Step 1: Use AdMob to create a new ad unit variant for testing

Introduction: Test new AdMob ad format adoption using Firebase

Step 1: Use AdMob to create a new ad unit variant for testing

Step 2: Set up an A/B test in the Firebase console
Step 3: Handle Remote Config parameter values in your app's code
Step 4: Start the A/B test and review the test results in the Firebase console
Step 5: Decide whether to roll out the new ad format

To get started, you first need to create a new ad unit and then implement the ad in your app's code.

This tutorial uses the rewarded interstitial ad format as the new format being tested for adoption. When reading this tutorial, though, keep in mind that you could follow similar steps to implement and test any other ad format.

Create an ad unit

In your AdMob account, create the ad unit that you want to test with your users.

For this tutorial, create a single new Rewarded interstitial ad unit. The other ad unit settings aren't important for this particular tutorial, so select settings that are appropriate for your app.

<span class=AdMob UI showing how to create a new rewarded interstitial ad unit"> <span class=AdMob UI showing how to set the reward amount for the new ad unit">

Implement the ad unit

<span class=AdMob UI displaying new ad unit ID and instructions for integrating the SDK">

After you create the ad unit, AdMob provides you with the ad unit's unique ad unit ID. Remember where to find this ad unit ID in your AdMob account as you'll need it to implement the ad into your app.

Follow the on-screen instructions to integrate the Google Mobile Ads (AdMob) SDK and to implement the new ad unit into your app.

After creating a new rewarded interstitial ad unit, you should now have two ad units listed in your AdMob account for this specific app. In the next steps of this tutorial, you'll configure Firebase to use each of these ad units in an A/B test using the same ad placement.

Introduction Step 2: Set up an A/B test in the Firebase console