
FirebaseAppCheck Framework Reference


@interface FIRAppCheckDebugProvider : NSObject <FIRAppCheckProvider>

A Firebase App Check provider that can exchange a debug token registered in the Firebase console for a Firebase App Check token. The debug provider is designed to enable testing applications on a simulator or test environment.

NOTE: Do not use the debug provider in applications used by real users.

WARNING: Keep the Firebase App Check debug token secret. If you accidentally share one (e.g. commit to a public source repo), remove it in the Firebase console ASAP.

To use AppCheckDebugProvider on a local simulator:

  1. Configure AppCheckDebugProviderFactory before FirebaseApp.configure(): AppCheck.setAppCheckProviderFactory(AppCheckDebugProviderFactory()) 2. Enable debug logging by adding the -FIRDebugEnabled launch argument to the app target. 3. Launch the app. A local debug token will be logged when Firebase is configured. For example: “[Firebase/AppCheck][I-FAA001001] Firebase App Check Debug Token: ‘3BA09C8C-8A0D-4030-ACD5-B96D99DB73F9’”. 4. Register the debug token in the Firebase console.

Once the debug token is registered the debug provider will be able to provide a valid Firebase App Check token.

To use AppCheckDebugProvider on a simulator on a build server:

  1. Create a new Firebase App Check debug token in the Firebase console
  2. Add the debug token to the secure storage of your build environment. E.g. see Encrypted secrets for GitHub Actions, etc.
  3. Configure AppCheckDebugProviderFactory before FirebaseApp.configure() AppCheck.setAppCheckProviderFactory(AppCheckDebugProviderFactory())
  4. Add an environment variable to the scheme with a name FIRAAppCheckDebugToken and value like $(MY_APP_CHECK_DEBUG_TOKEN).
  5. Configure the build script to pass the debug token as the environment variable, e.g.: xcodebuild test -scheme InstallationsExample -workspace InstallationsExample.xcworkspace \ MY_APP_CHECK_DEBUG_TOKEN=$(MY_SECRET_ON_CI)
  • Unavailable




    - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
  • Undocumented



    - (nullable instancetype)initWithApp:(FIRApp *)app;
  • Return the locally generated token.



    - (nonnull NSString *)localDebugToken;
  • Returns the currently used App Check debug token. The priority:

    • - FIRAAppCheckDebugToken env variable value
    • - A previously generated token, stored locally on the device
    • - A newly generated random token. The generated token will be stored
    • locally for future use
    • - returns: The currently used App Check debug token.



    - (nonnull NSString *)currentDebugToken;
  • Returns a new Firebase App Check token.



    - (void)getTokenWithCompletion:(nonnull void (^)(FIRAppCheckToken *_Nullable,
                                                     NSError *_Nullable))handler;



    The completion handler. Make sure to call the handler with either a token or an error.

  • Returns a new Firebase App Check token. When implementing this method for your custom provider, the token returned should be suitable for consumption in a limited-use scenario. If you do not implement this method, the getTokenWithCompletion will be invoked instead whenever a limited-use token is requested.



    - (void)getLimitedUseTokenWithCompletion:
        (nonnull void (^)(FIRAppCheckToken *_Nullable, NSError *_Nullable))handler;



    The completion handler. Make sure to call the handler with either a token or an error.