CloudEvent interface

A CloudEvent describes event data.


export interface CloudEvent 


Property Type Description
data object | string Data payload of the event. Objects are stringified with JSON and strings are be passed along as-is.
datacontenttype string MIME type of the data being sent with the event in the data field. Only application/json and text/plain are currently supported. If not specified, it is automatically inferred from the type of provided data.
id string Identifier for the event. If not provided, it is auto-populated with a UUID.
source string Identifies the context in which an event happened. If not provided, the value of EVENTARC_CLOUD_EVENT_SOURCE environment variable is used and if that is not set, a validation error is thrown.
specversion CloudEventVersion The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. If not provided, is set to 1.0 -- the only supported value.
subject string Subject (context) of the event in the context of the event producer.
time string Timestamp of the event. Must be in ISO time format. If not specified, current time (at the moment of publishing) is used.
type string Type of the event. Should be prefixed with a reverse-DNS name (

Data payload of the event. Objects are stringified with JSON and strings are be passed along as-is.


data?: object | string;


MIME type of the data being sent with the event in the data field. Only application/json and text/plain are currently supported. If not specified, it is automatically inferred from the type of provided data.


datacontenttype?: string;

Identifier for the event. If not provided, it is auto-populated with a UUID.


id?: string;


Identifies the context in which an event happened. If not provided, the value of EVENTARC_CLOUD_EVENT_SOURCE environment variable is used and if that is not set, a validation error is thrown.


source?: string;


The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. If not provided, is set to 1.0 -- the only supported value.


specversion?: CloudEventVersion;


Subject (context) of the event in the context of the event producer.


subject?: string;


Timestamp of the event. Must be in ISO time format. If not specified, current time (at the moment of publishing) is used.


time?: string;


Type of the event. Should be prefixed with a reverse-DNS name (


type: string;